Mobile Munchies and the Money Band

Monterey Street Food Fest


Let’s Go Truckin’! Just in case you haven’t heard, Food Trucks are in.

In, in, in… yes, mobile munchies are the latest rage, and on May 12, the first ever “Monterey Street Food Fest” will take place at the Fairgrounds from noon to 6pm.

From cupcakes to Cuban cuisine, there’ll be something for every palate. But if the thought of yummy gourmet and international street food isn’t enough to get you to the Monterey Fairgrounds… go for the music.

Because “The Money Band” will play from noon to 2pm, followed by “Triple Threat” until 6pm. (The Money Band has a fair number of groupies at Monterey Bay Property Management, and they guarantee that from “Love Shack” to “What I Say?”—this band will get the crowd rocking.)

The Fairgrounds are located at 2004 Fairground Road, Monterey. Admission to the Street Food Fest is free.